Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Time to move on up...

It's been awhile, eh?

I've found that I'm a very seasonal crafter - probably has something to do with the fact that my sewing room is in the basement, and that wool is stinkin' hot to work with in the middle of summer.

Since I've been quite unfaithful to ye olde knitting lately, (seriously, my knitting output has been close to zilch for the past few months) I've decided that I can no longer limit myself to just a knitting blog. That, in addition to the identity crisis that I am starting to enter as of late...I need a new headspace. is where you'll find me in the future. I'll be posting more varied ruminations there: snippets of my writing, book reviews, gaming stuff, crafty items, and lots of soul searching, I'm afraid. I'll try to keep the melancholy to a minimum but will still have lots of the snark lurking around.

Hope to see you there!