Saturday, June 23, 2007

Snippets of dinner conversation today.

Me: "Honey, take that off. No armour at the table."

Later, during dinner.

Mr. Munchkin: "BELCH"
Me: *horrified look*
Mr. Munchkin: "What? I'm a boy!"
Mr. Ninja: *falls on floor laughing*

And even later.

Mr. Ninja: "You know those little holes on the sides of Darth Vader's mask? I bet one of them is for his soup straw and the other is for his apple juice sippy cup. And no, Darth Vader can't have jello - it won't fit through his grille."


We are such a geek household.

Oh, and in yarny news - went to Gaspereau Valley today. Fiber filled post to follow. Also, I think that I may have angered the household gods in some pantheon somewhere...came home, and noticed that there was a spider spinning a web on my Louet. I'm guessing that the bad karma that I'm going to get for squishing said spider is going to seriously jinx any spinning I try for the next little while. I always feel bad about squishing spiders - does anyone else apologize to bugs pre-squash?


La Cabeza Grande said...

So, armor. Were you at a Ren Faire or is this business as usual in the Ninja household? :o)

On the question of insects, I don't really apologize so much as warn of imminent death. I do, however, consider the Karmic effect - briefly.

Megan said...

I think that the spider is a good sign. Gives your spinning the blessing of an expert.

Alison said...

Actually, I don't squish spiders. One of my many and varied superstitions (ask me about the penny superstitions some day!). In my house we rescue spiders with a glass and a piece of paper, and release them into the wild. Or, in the winter, release them into the furnace room. Besides, if you squish a spider, it might rain. Too much spider squishin' been going on lately, if you go by the weather we've been having!

lulubelle said...

I rescue spiders when the children are watching...but kill the silverfish with probably more vengence than what is necessary.

I was thinking the same as Meegiemoo though, about the spider on your spinning wheel. We shall see...

Steph said...

What's funny is that Mr. Happy and I have had similar conversations - and he's way older than 3.

Unknown said...

I suspect Mr. Ninja was wearing the armour cuz it's purples, and we all know how hard it is to get purples. Wait, it was the munchkin wasn't it? Heh!

Jess said...

I usually just leave spiders be, or take them outside if need be. They don't bother me too much. That munchkin is a cutie.