Thursday, April 12, 2007

Man, I needed that.

WARNING: Image heavy post...

Needless to say, I took a hiatus from writing. But now that the sun has started to shine, and I can hear things growing in my garden (in particular, the crocuses are shouting rather loudly) ... I think that I'm finally ready to start unturtling again.

I haven't been lazy, though - I put my time in purgatory to good use.

Alpaca /Silk mixed with some random FA roving that I found at LK Yarns.

Some odd remants of roving mixed with some sparkles - also from LK yarns.

Merino - probably around worsted weight...I'm calling this one Monsoon Wedding because it reminds me of a sari that my friend wore once.

The new home for all of my coloured rovings - the base rovings are stored under my knitting chair.

A cutie pie pincushion - the top is a cashmere remnant that I found in the stash.

My new knitting bag - it's my first lined bag of this kind. Let's just say that if I'd known that the zipper actually comes fully life would have been much easier that particular afternoon.

New footie jammies for Mr. Munchkin. They're ... uh ... too large. >_< I made the size 5, assuming that since he's currently in size 4 store bought clothing, everthing would be peachy. That will teach me to measure twice, cut once, that's for bloody sure. But the boy loves it, even as it sags around his knees. When he swaggered around the living room in this outfit, I had a momentary glimpse of what life with a teenager will be like. Pass the tequila, please.


Here we have the bane of my existence - a sweater for Mr. Ninja...due in time for his birthday. I am so screwed. I'm making up the pattern as I go along, and you can totally tell - hence the weirdo cabling going on. While I'm pleased with it (it's my first adult sized sweater), when knitting this beast, I often contemplate what life would have been like had I married a shorter man. Conclusion? Mr. Ninja is worth every mis-crossed cable and wonky dropped stitch...but I swear that if he asks when it's going to be done again, I WILL invoke the woman's prayer. Ahem.

Dear Lord,
I pray for Wisdom to understand my man,
Love to forgive him,
And Patience for his moods...

Because Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to death. *

Socks from the handspun - one down, and the ribbing started on the second. It's travel and playground knitting at this point...I have no desire to haul around the beast.


I tidied up my upstairs stash basket. Now I just need to find somewhere to put this stuff. Hmmm. Well, Mr. Ninja doesn't REALLY need an underwear drawer, does he? Hmmm. The possibilities!

*nicked from my favourite gaming board -


Steph said...

Busy, busy girl. Love the jammies and the bag and the pin cushion and the... forget it... love it all.

Anonymous said...

Busy lady! Gah. I hear you on man knitting, and mine is a relatively average 5'10" 160lb guy. I rarely work on his sweater and abandon it at will with no promises for completion.

Lovely spinning on the merino!

lulubelle said...

Wow, Deb, I wish I had your talent for sewing and spinning. Beautiful.
(glad you're blogging again too!)