Saturday, May 19, 2007

Reduce, Reuse...


I had a silk satin needle case once. After using it for awhile, I realised that it didn't work particularly well - the needles kept falling out. While I'd like to attribute that to the fact that satin is slippery as hell, I figure that the design probably wasn't quite optimal either. However, I love love LOVE the fabric. And after window shopping for a knitting project bag (fuelled by envy of the beautiful Lantern Moon bags), I took an hour out of my day and made this.

You can still see some of the holes that scar the fabric from its previous incarnation...but overall, I'm quite pleased. And it seems that karma's trying to get me into the mood for a little bit of slink and a little splash of shimmy...

My pre-order of Knitting Lingerie Style came on Friday. It's actually a wonderful book, filled with far more wearable items than you might think, judging from the title. And this is the first knitting book that I have ever seen Mr. Ninja pick up and browse...of his own volition. While he's been dropping some not so subtle hints, I am sticking to my guns and working away on my Sockapalooza pal's socks.

Hedera. In Natural Dye Studios - Silver Bud colourway. The stitch definition created by this yarn is incredible. Must. Have. Own. Socks.


La Cabeza Grande said...

Saucy satin bag, Madame Ninja!

And no doubt about it: you sockapalooza pal will love you! What a fantastic color.

Alison said...

Maybe we can get a peek at the book at KOL on Tuesday?

Anonymous said...

Pretty bag...great, now I want to sew one...

lulubelle said...

That bag is lovely. You're so talented Ninja.