Tuesday, December 11, 2007

HA! (aka December 11th)

Hooray for eBay sniping! I've been researching my little heart out re: sewing machines. I decided to get a new one. While I'm sure that if I got this one serviced, it would work for a little while longer...but seeing as I've had this thing serviced twice in the past year, it was definitely time to see what else was on the horizon.

So, a new machine was in my future, I sussed. I knew that I wanted either a Pfaff or a Janome...but it was SO hard justifying the price. (Yes, I'm frugal on occasion...but prone to spur of the moment purchases. It's a mystery to me too.) So I was narrowing it down to two models - the Janome 423S or a Pfaff Hobby 1142. Was going to drive across the province to New Minas today to try them out (yeesh). However, I decided to give eBay a look before going to bed last night.

I found a NIB Janome 405 at a ridiculously low price...and sniped it in the last 3 minutes of the auction. It is SO basic...but it does everything that I want it to. Shipping included - it's $120. So, now I just have to wait for it to get here. I'm a little terrified of what Canada Customs is going to hit me with, but it's worth it if I'm saved driving to the other side of the penninsula. (I was getting disapproving glares from Mr. Ninja all night over this. Apparently, he wasn't happy with the notion of his seven and a half months pregnant wife and Mr. Munchkin driving solo on snowy roads. He's so protective these days.)

Onto the giveaways! I haven't been posting everyone's good deed - I'm saving them all up, and will post a summary post on the 26th. Spreading the holiday cheer all over the place, as it were. But I assure you...my heart has been well warmed so far from all of the winners! Speaking of which - yesterday's winner was Marti! Congratulations to you!

Up for grabs today is some pretty roving that I dyed myself:

This is superwash merino in the "Henry" colourway. See here for the model for my inspiration. I'm spinning up the rest of this roving and it's coming out nicely...very subtle, ironically considering who the colourway is named after. (Go and read Steph's adventures with Henry and you'll see what I mean.)

Good luck to you all!


Kerry & Ronan said...

Snowy roads are no fun! Are you getting ice too? Ooo, and can I live vicariously through you when you get your new sewing machine?

FrozenExtremities said...

Yay for ebay sniping!! I debat getting a machine myself, I'd like to think if I had one I'd use it a lot. But I doubt it ;)
Loverly dye job!

yvonne said...

A new sewing machine, how fun. That is a great deal.
the roving is beautiful colour. It reminds me of a peacock.

Mom_of_Faith said...

Hooray for ebay! I bet you can't wait for it to arrive! Peacock is the perfect description for that roving. Beautiful.

Heddy said...

after reading about Henry's adventures at the KOL, I expected to see bits of yellow fluff intermingled with the green and blue ... for being a little monster, nhe sure does have big adventures. The Roving is very pretty. I found your blog via Marti's Little Workshop.

Tracy said...

Your machine sounds wonderful! I can't wait to hear more about it when it arrives.

I have to tell you how much I adore that roving, too. I know I've won one already, but ooohhh...the good deads I would do for some roving like that! LOL!

Jamie said...

(nak) i am so jealous!! i would love a new machine!!